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新視野大學英語讀寫教程4(第三版)鄭樹棠 主編




Unit 1: Life andlogic

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    Love and logic: The story of a fallacy

2. Writing Activity—write a narrative essay


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Skimming

2. Text B    Why do smart people do dumb things

3. Unit Project—Writing a survey report on logical fallacies

01.Some advice on how to write narrative essay.

02. The use of important words and phrases: fallacy, pact, shrewd, dye, makeup, elite, radiant, counterpart, pearl, banner, make a pact; in exchange for, set a date for, appeal to, make an analogy between.


II.Content focuses (重點)

03. Apply the writing skills to organize a paragraph


III. Difficult points (難點)

1. Talk about logic and narrative essay.

2. Practice the reading skill-Previewing.



Unit 2: Secrets to beauty

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A   The confusing pursuitof beauty

2. Writing Activity—write a comparison/contrastessay


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Identifying the topic sentence

2. Text B    Making the choice to be truly beautiful

3. Unit Project—Discovering your own beauty


II.Content focuses (重點)

1.Some useful fast reading skills.

2.The usage of important words and phrases:rehearsal, bald, arrogant, transient, affix, groom, strand, excuse oneself, come up with, stick to , etc.


III. Difficult points (難點)

1.The usage of some new words and phrases: excuse oneself, come up with, stick to sth, reach out to, be obsessed with, voice anopinion on, etc

2.Reading skills: Identifying the topicsentence

3.Writing skill: Write a comparison/contrast essay



Unit 3: Being entrepreneurial

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    Fred Smith and FedEx:The vision that changed the world

2. Writing Activity—write a narrative with biographicalinformation


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Recognizing signal words of time

2. Text B    Building the dream of Starbucks

3.Unit Project—Writing a report on starting one’s own business


II.Content focuses (重點)

1. Information of Fred Smith and FedEx.

2. The usage of important words and phrases: reshuffleexquisite, stockholder, clan,invalid, terrainrevive, alumnus,charter, disrupt, prototype and etc.

3. Writing skill:Recognizing signal words of time.


III. Difficult points (難點)

1. The usage of important words and phrases: reshuffle,exquisite, stockholder, clan,invalid, terrain,revive, alumnus,charter, disrupt, prototype, touchdown, hold … in high regard, pick on , beonto something and etc.

2. Grasp the reading skill—Writea narrative with biographical information.

3. Grasp the writing skill—Recognizingsignal words of time.



Unit 4: Nature: To worship or to conquer

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    Achieving sustainable environmentalism

2. Writing Activity—Write an argumentativeessay


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Reading between the lines

2. Text B    What nature is telling you

3. Unit Project—Writing a report on college students’ awareness ofenvironmental protection


II.Content focuses (重點)

1.Students should be able to understand sustainable development and environmental protection.

2. The usage of important wordsand phrases: democracy, congressman, segregates, consolidate, differentiate,definitive, sane, ecological, ozone, deplete, correlation, thermal,differentiate between, take on, go against the grain and etc.

3. Writing skill: Writean argumentative essay.


III Difficult points (難點)

1. The usage of some new words and phrases: ozone, deplete, correlation, thermal, differentiate between,take on, go against the grain, be incompatible with, come through and etc.

2. Talking about information of environmentalism.

3. Reading skill: Reading between the lines



Unit 5: Why culture counts

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    Speaking Chinese in America

2. Writing Activity—Write a narrative with direct dialog


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—finding out word meanings

2. Text B    Culture makes the business world go round

3. Unit Project—Designing a book on Chinese culture


II.Content focuses (重點)

1. The usage of important words and phrases: peninsula,confidential, recipient, nominal, emigrant, taboo, scallop, garlic, flank, cucumber,lunar, mutter, tray, foil, breach, colony, starve to death, be attached to, onthe side, etc

2. Reading skill: Finding out word meanings


III Difficult points (難點)

1. The information about your home culture.

2. The usage of taboo, scallop, garlic, flank, cucumber, lunar, mutter,tray, foil, breach, colony.

3. Writing skill: Write a narrative with direct dialog.



Unit 6: Gender equality

?.Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    The weight men carry

2. Writing Activity—Support an argument with personal experiences and observations.


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Reading for supporting details.

2. Text B    What does feminismreally mean?

3. Unit Project—Conducting a survey on the gender-major relationships in universities.


II.Content focuses (重點)

1. The usage of important new words and expressions:grid, commonwealth, rooster, crow, shepherd, weld, cabinet, lubricate, tract, shutter,liver, copper, off grid, scrape by, extract from, etc.

2. Writing skill:Support an argument with personal experiences and observations.

3. Knowing men and women are alike in many essentialways, yet there are also various gender-based differences between them.


III Difficult points (難點)

1. Understanding sexes differences biologically and psychologically.

2. Practicing the writing skill: Support an argument with personal experiences and observations.



Unit 7: Energy and food crises

?..Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A    The coming energy crisis

2. Writing Activity—Write a cause-and-effect essay


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Identifying the author’s purpose

2. Text B    A worldwide food crisis?

3. Unit Project—Raising peer students’ consciousness of conserving energy and food


II.Content focuses (重點)

1. The usage of important words and phrases: density, triple, monopoly, fossil, treaty, poll, insurgent,extinct, indefinite, wisp, factor in, be projected to, on a scale.

2. Reading skill: Identifying the author’s purpose


III. Difficult points (難點)

1. The phenomena of energy and food crisis.

2. The usage of factor in,be projected to, on a scale, fill up, clear up.

3. Writing skill: Write a cause-and-effect essay



Unit 8: Passionguides life choices

?. Teaching Contents (內(nèi)容)

Section A

1. Text A     A meaningful life

2. Writing Activity—Write a personal narrative


Section B

1. Reading Activity

Reading Skill—Understanding figurative language

2. Text B    A turning point of my life

3. Unit Project—Talking about a person who has made a difference in the world


II.Content focuses (重點)

1.Students can understand the turning point of their own lives.

2.The usage of important words and phrases: angel, obituary, seminar, specimen, assassin,secular, oath, graphic, brochure, leaflet, turn up, put out, alert to do, etc.


III. Difficult points (難點)

1.The usage of some new words and phrases: oath, graphic, brochure, leaflet, turnup, put out, alert to do, etc.

2. The significance of someone who changed the world

3. Critical thinking about figurative language












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